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Orchard County Primary School, Armagh
Half Term Reminder- school will be closed for half term from Mon 28th Oct- Friday 1st Nov. School reopens on Mon 4th Nov.
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16th Oct 2024
As it is maths week, today we went on a maths trail to look maths all around us!...
15th Oct 2024
We joined the primary school for P7 Harvest Assembly. Look how good we are at sitting...
15th Oct 2024
Thanks again to Alistair Toal for coming and coaching our children in rugby.
15th Oct 2024
Today P7 used the measuring tapes to measure the circumferences of things in our...
15th Oct 2024
P7 led our Harvest Assembly this morning. They all spoke very clearly and sang beautifully....
15th Oct 2024
We enjoyed being outside in the sunshine for our numeracy this morning. Our task...
15th Oct 2024
Well done to our two pupils of the week. Also, well done to our pupil for his achievements...
15th Oct 2024
We have been tracing letters in sand, modelling them in dough and now writing familiar...
14th Oct 2024
We have been observing our Nursery Cherry trees and noticing that the leaves are...