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Orchard County Primary School, Armagh


11th Sep 2024
Congratulations to our pupils as they take on their new roles of responsibility as...
11th Sep 2024
Congratulations to our pupils as they take on their new roles of responsibility as...
11th Sep 2024
Congratulations to our pupils as they take on their new roles of responsibility as...
11th Sep 2024
Congratulations to our pupils as they take on their new roles of responsibility...
10th Sep 2024
We have been learning our colour combinations through mixing paints. We can use...
10th Sep 2024
We have been making simple words using magnetic letters, revising our letter formation...
10th Sep 2024
Primary one created trees, flowers, dinosaurs and much more using natural materials...
10th Sep 2024
Huge well done to everyone for the time and effort spent on their posters. We have...
9th Sep 2024
Thanks to the Ulster Scots Network and grant funding from DAERA we are going to...
9th Sep 2024
We enjoyed hearing from the school council candidates as they presented their posters...