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Orchard County Primary School, Armagh


22nd Sep 2024
The children have been enjoying this afterschool club with Reuben Lyons from Faith...
22nd Sep 2024
Primary 5-7 girls are attending afterschool hockey club this term. It was great...
20th Sep 2024
Special thanks to Mr Matchett and son for assisting Mr Crawford to erect our school...
20th Sep 2024
Thank you so much to everyone for their efforts in designing their bags and collecting/making...
20th Sep 2024
On Thursday we completed an investigation using the 5 senses to discover the differences...
20th Sep 2024
What a fabulous week of weather to enjoy outdoor learning!
19th Sep 2024
We were delighted to send our old textbooks to Kenya Sunbeam Ministries and know...
19th Sep 2024
P7 looked at the work of artist Michelle Reader who makes sculptures from recycled...
19th Sep 2024
We followed our recipe to make play dough. We had to do careful counting and measuring. 
18th Sep 2024
P7 worked in groups today using Izak9 to improve their mental maths skills.