Easy Fundraising
Please consider raising funds for the school via the PTA’s Easy Fundraising online service. Shopping doesn’t cost you a penny more, but as you make purchases online, shops make a donation to the PTA. All you do is register (it’s good to select the “Donation Reminder” option) and start shopping. Please give it a go and encourage your friends and family to do so too – it’s effectively free money to benefit the children of Orchard County Primary School!
Please register by clicking the link below:
Once you have joined, the next time you shop online, start at easyfundraising.org.uk and log in. If you shop with your phone or tablet you can download the easyfundraising app.
Thank you.
Orchard County Primary School, 65 Blackisland Road, Portadown, Armagh BT62 1NH Tel: 028 3885 2696