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Orchard County Primary School, Armagh

P7 Share Centre Day Trip

18th Jun 2024

P7 had a fantastic day at the Share Centre today. They started their day by designing their own t shirt. Our second activity was laser tag where they got to shoot each other in the forest. We all then had a delicious lunch of sausages or chicken nuggets and chips.

After lunch we headed to the water area and got wet suits on ready for the water activities. The children all then really enjoyed the stand up paddle boarding and time on the water park. Some really challenged themselves and swam across and back to the inflatable. After changing we all had an ice-cream and headed back to the bus. Back at school those who wanted changed in to their pyjamas and relaxed and watched a movie. The children really enjoyed their Tony and Herbs pizza and garlic bread. Thanks to Mrs Manton and Mrs Irwin who decorated the hall for the children and left lots of lovely goodies.  Thanks also to Mrs Ellis for providing a beautiful chocolate cake. The children  will all be tired out after their activities and full after all the lovely food they ate today!