Parent Teacher Association

The PTA is a voluntary group of parents who are willing to work on behalf of all the school, organising fundraising and social events throughout the school year. A new committee is formed every year. All the school children benefit from the money that the PTA raises through their fundraising activities. Previously they have held Summer Fairs, Table Quizzes, Christmas Fairs and a Fashion Show. The proceeds of these events have greatly assisted the school in purchasing educational resources.
Orchard County Defibrillator
The PTA-funded school defibrillator is housed (close to a CCTV camera) on the external rear wall of the school, beside the P1 entrance. Please note that although the cabinet is alarmed, it is not locked so the local community can access the machine if required during an emergency. Please also note that a tracking device is incorporated within the defibrillator in order to deter theft or vandalism. The school first-aiders have all been trained in the use of the defibrillator and are available in case of emergency, as have the following members of the local community. The likelihood of accurate usage increases drastically if you can access one of these individuals in the case of an emergency.
Clothing Recycling Bank
Our 'Cash for Clobber' Clothing Recycling Bank continues to be an excellent source of income for our school. The PTA receives £5 for every 10kg of clothing and this will go towards their annual fundraising! The bank also encourages our families to consider the importance and benefits of re-cycling and is a perfect addition to our Eco-Schools work.
So get all those old clothes hunted out and leave them off in our bank. Every single item makes a difference and it doesn't cost you a penny!
Orchard County Primary School, 65 Blackisland Road, Portadown, Armagh BT62 1NH Tel: 028 3885 2696