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Orchard County Primary School, Armagh
Strike Action School will be open as normal on Monday 20th May but there will be NO SCHOOL MEALS. All pupils will be required to bring a packed lunch. 
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P4/5 Annaghmore Adventures Day 2

2nd Oct 2019

We headed off to St Patrick's early this morning to meet our pals.  We are learning about how food travels from the farm to our fork as our shared World Around Us topic.  Today we learnt about Armagh's famous Bramley Apple and then researched other foods in NI that have been awarded Protected Geographical Indication Status.  We also discovered the life of Paul Cezanne and tried to replicate his style by drawing our own fruit bowls.  Finally we discussed foods that are healthy and began putting ideas together to produce a healthy eating poster.  We were made feel very welcome and had another great day together!