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Orchard County Primary School, Armagh
Strike Action School will be open as normal on Monday 20th May but there will be NO SCHOOL MEALS. All pupils will be required to bring a packed lunch. 
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P4/5 Shared Education Day 5

17th Oct 2018

Today marked our fifth day of Shared Education for P4/5 this term.  We had a very busy day completing our different projects that we have been doing over the past number of weeks.  We then rounded up our time by reflecting through Circle Time our favourite memories of Shared Education.  Some children said it was making the motte and baileys, others liked building the newspaper towers, drawing the kings and queens or making the castles with 2D shapes and chalk.  It is heart-warming to note that a number of children especially liked playing outside with the new friends they have made!  Thank you so much St. Patrick's for giving us such a warm welcome to your school each week.  We thoroughly enjoyed it and we'll see you all again soon.